Grandpa Leffler’s Still

By Wayne Beals

John and I were talking one day at his home in Graham, Washington. He stated while living in Colorado during the depression he went to the General store one day. After he completed his shopping, he was about to depart. He then he noticed a vat of old prunes that the store was selling in the back garbage area. The prunes went bad and John stated they were molding.

He asked the store owner if he could have them and he said yes but bring back the empty vat later. This was during prohibition and no alcohol was available. John took these prunes home and made a still. After he obtained a quantity of alcohol from the old prunes via his still, he gave some to Grandma Leffler. John said she acted very strange and took off her clothes and started running around the house yelling.

During this story telling, Grandma Leffler heard him and came into the room with her hands on her hips. She told him she didn’t mind him telling stories, but that he should tell the truth.

Your grandpa laughed and told her she was upset because he was telling the truth. Your grandma stomped out out the room upset.

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