From a letter written by Wanda Gotchy
On June 5, 1999
I used to ride up and down (well, down) the hills of Tacoma when we lived there. Also roller-skated. I was only eleven. We had to clamp the skates on our shoes then. I still have the key. You may have seen it hanging in my kitchen.
I was twenty-five when you were born. Well, just short of it. My Mom was thirty-two. Plus, you were number one and I was number four. Plus it was two years after the depression started when the country went broke. People lost all their money and lots of them back east were jumping out of tall buildings. My dad had our farm auctioned off and everything on it, but our very personal things. It must have been very humiliating for him. In fact, when I was in second grade the doctor that delivered me took dad to court and sued him for the money owed for delivering me. Can you imagine what a beating I took at school? My father the deadbeat. I may not be paid for yet. I suppose the doctor is dead now so no chance I’ll be repossessed, I suppose.
We loaded everything in our old truck, we called “heller-t-lerrup”. Brother and Jim drove it all the way to Idaho. That meant up the one side of the Rockies and down the other. No brakes to speak of except the emergency. So Ken drove and Jim worked the brake. They must have had quite a trip. The rest of us went in our car.

We stayed one night in a motel. In those days it was called a cabin. One room, one bed for six of us, and a one hole-er about a hundred yards away. If you ever saw “The Grapes Of Wrath” it could have been about the Lefflers, except that family went to California and we to Idaho. Mom’s relatives were there. We stayed there just a short while when Dad (a jack-of-all-trades and master of none) found a garage in Oregon, just across the state line from Idaho.

We rented a house there. It had three rooms, no running water and of course, no bathroom. We four kids had one room. I was eight, Jim twelve and Sis eighteen, and brother nineteen. I didn’t realize then the problems my sister had to go through, as then no sanitary napkins. Just rags that had to be washed out and reused. I think rich people had them, napkins that is. Of course Mom probably did the washing.

Shortly after we got to Oregon Sis went away to college to achieve her life-long dream to become a teacher. She worked her complete way through by living and working for a family. One of her duties was watching their daughter, whom she shared a bed with. A wet bed usually. I think she worked as much as she could for the school to take care of her tuition. Then Pearl Harbor and Dad moved us to Tacoma to work in the shipyard, welding. First time in our lives he had a steady check, and we had a home with running water, a toilet and three bedrooms, one for the girls, one for the boys (Ken was soon drafted), and one for the folks. (The best one of course) Actually, one for the girl (me). It was a tiny one under the eaves about as big as your washroom, with a slanting roof. But it was mine, all mine. The boys had a nice big one, as did Mom and Dad. Theirs was in front with a view of THE MOUNTAIN. Short-lived bliss. Some old guy bought the house and we moved to Salishan. It was brand new then. It wasn’t as wonderful as the other one, but certainly better than we had lived in before. Everyone there were people the same as us, shipped in from all over the states. My best friend across the street was from North Dakota. The kids that were natives here treated us like dirt. Then I found an ace in the hole. I was standing out on the street with a bunch of those girls who were having nothing to do with me, when Jim (good looking Jim) drove up and picked me up to take me home. The next day I was very popular; my turn behind the wheel. Well, not really.

A lot of us Salishan kids got tired of our treatment, so we would take a city bus to the bridge, walk across and take a school bus to Fife. We were never snubbed there. Very happy days. Especially when you think it was where I started to be courted by this big, awkward, but very persistent guy. Let’s see, oh yes, his name was Clarence. I was only a freshman and he was a senior. He went to college and I enjoyed high school. He came around a few times, always on Annual (the book) signing day. He always signed with little messages. I started going steady with someone in my class, but Clarence caused him to dump me. I borrowed enough money from my sister to go to college one year. I think I still owe her. I got a job as a receptionist in a doctor’s office. Made me know I would never become a nurse. Clarence and I were married during this time. His mother did everything she could think of to keep us from it, including going to my mother and telling her what a terrible husband he would make. She wanted him to marry a rich girl he had met in Ellensburg. She refused to come to our wedding if it was in a church, so Mom did everything she could to make a nice wedding for us at home there in Fife. Of course, it wasn’t big enough to have any of my friends. She (his mother) did come but Clarence had to jerk her up out of her seat to get a kiss from her. She never accepted me even when she could see how happy Clarence was. We had been married five years using not protection and given up any idea of having children. We were thinking and inquiring about some five-year old twin girls, and wham, I turned up pregnant. The next, as they say, is history. I forgot to mention that between marriage and childbirth was sixteen months in Korea. We both wrote every day. I missed him a lot of course, but I had the letters and the knowledge he would be coming home.